Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi  Social context of the Dhamma  The Buddha's Teaching As It Is 
 2. Bhikkhu Bodhi  Social context of the Dhamma  The Buddha's Teaching As It Is 
 3. Business English Pod  BEP 63 PP: Indirect Persuasion in a Social Context  BusinessEnglishPod.com 
 4. Business English Pod  BEP 63 PP: Indirect Persuasion in a Social Context  BusinessEnglishPod.com 
 5. Brian Connelly, pianist  Context: Music in the Context of Time: the 1920's   
 6. Arjen ter Hoeve  Session 44 - the story of the social psychology - part 1 .... 0:28 - Introduction .... 1:45 - Social Cognition, Prejudice ....12:59 - Today in the history ....13:52 - Impression, Self Perception, etc  MindPodcast.com 
 7. Ajahn Sona  Nov 21 dhamma 1  Calgary Nov 2004 
 8. Ajahn Sona  Nov 20 dhamma 1  Calgary Nov 2004 
 9. Craig Newmark  Innovation in Social Entrepreneurship and the Social Uses of ICT  Distinguished Lecture Series, UC Berkeley School of Information 
 10. Ajahn Brahmavamso  Recollection of the Dhamma  BSWA Chanting Tape 
 11. Ajahn Amaro  Opening the Dhamma Eye  Abhayagiri 2006 Winter Retreat 
 12. Ajahn Amaro  Opening the Dhamma Eye  Abhayagiri 2006 Winter Retreat 
 13. Ajahn Brahmavamso  Recollection of the Dhamma  BSWA Chanting Tape 
 14. Bhante Gunaratana  Again and Again 12.09.06 Eve. Dhamma Talk   
 15. Bhante Gunaratana  Again and Again 12.09.06 Eve. Dhamma Talk   
 16. Bhante Gunaratana  Listening to Dhamma Part 1 09.30.06  Evening Talks 
 17. Guy Armstrong  2001-05/23 The Buddha Knows The Dhamma  Spirit Rock Meditation Center http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 18. Bhante Gunaratana  Difficulties Listening to Dhamma 10.06.06  Evening Talks 
 19. Bhante Gunaratana  Difficulties Listening to Dhamma 10.06.06  Evening Talks 
 20. Bhante Gunaratana  Listening to Dhamma Part 1 09.30.06  Evening Talks 
 21. Bhante Gunaratana  Teach Dhamma Without Conflict 8-16-07  Evening Talks 
 22. Gary Hinson  Getting in Front of Social Engineering - Part 2: Identifying Social Engineering Attempts and Attacks  CERT's Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 23. Bhante Gunaratana  Eating Cakes 10.12.06 Dhamma Talk  Evening Talks 
 24. Bhante Gunaratana  Training the Mind 12.07.06 Eve. Dhamma Talk   
 25. Steve Armstrong  2009-08/15 Parami - A Life of Dhamma  2009-08/07 IMSRC Insight and the Art of Equanimity http://www.dharma.org 
 26. Bhante Gunaratana  Eating Cakes 10.12.06 Dhamma Talk  Evening Talks 
 27. Steve Armstrong  2009-08/15 Parami - A Life of Dhamma  2009-08/07 IMSRC Insight and the Art of Equanimity http://www.dharma.org 
 28. Steve Armstrong  2009-07/30 Parami: A Life of Dhamma  2009-07/24 SR Insight Meditation http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 29. Michele McDonald  2002-06/14 Taking Refuge In The Dhamma  2002-06/07 IMSRC Vipassana Retreat http://dharma.org 
 30. Chant  Chant 21 Dhamma-cakkappavattana Sutta  Suttas 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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